Emissions目标越来越严格, industrial operators need to optimise their assets to remain compliant and competitive.
解雇加热器 in refineries or petrochemical facilities are typically among the largest sources of greenhouse gas emissions and therefore offer the greatest opportunity for efficiency increase and emission reduction.
With the global demand for hydrogen expected to increase eightfold by 2050, most of which will be generated by thermal processes using fired heaters, 这个过程必须脱碳, ,很快, 实现净零目标.
作为许多化学过程的关键组成部分, fired heaters will continue to play a key role but need to do so in a more efficient and environmentally friendly way.
Wood helps downstream operators stay compliant and profitable through the energy transition by eliminating inefficiencies, capturing and monitoring emissions and applying the latest technology to get the most out of fired heaters, 以最小的投资成本.
The need for change has never been greater in our industries, 我们对待地球的方式, 以及我们的生活方式. United by a common purposed to unlock solutions to the world’s most critical challenges, we seek new possibilities to improve the world today and tomorrow.
Many fired heaters were built decades ago to meet the codes of the day. 通过应用最好的设计和 更新的设备和材料 to existing heaters, we can recover significant amounts of currently wasted energy.
Improving the efficiency of fired heaters can reduce CO2 emissions by tens of thousands of tons per year.
Our know-how and technologies can monitor, manage and reduce NOx and CO2 emissions with the 包装改造的设计和供应 软件解决方案.
Wood also provides 克劳斯硫磺技术 with a proprietary acid gas burner design to manage and reduce SOx emissions:
随着清洁氢供应的增加, switching fuels from methane or refinery gases to clean, hydrogen-rich fuel gas offers a near-term decarbonisation solution. To reduce the emissions of heaters, Wood can analyse and replace existing burners:
A large amount of hydrogen can be blended into existing fuel systems without major impact. Typical burners can accommodate 30%+ without major modification.
The cleanest option for large heaters uses established methods to reduce NOx to very low levels.
Heaters with no firing at all are the true next-generation development. Our engineers are working on integrating electrical heating into existing furnace designs for smaller start-up heaters, 包括电空气预热器.
Future-ready solutions are ineffective without proper Controlss.
Operators often rely on third-party Controls system suppliers, but by integrating Woods’ fired heater technology with our in-house automation and Controls solutions, 工厂可以从更安全的操作中受益, 更高的可靠性和优化的效率.
除了, 随着新仪器的出现, we enhance our fired heaters and incorporate designs with hydrogen flame sensors, 牵伸Controls, 氧气水平和火焰探测.
As the energy transition and circular economy drive the adoption of new feedstocks, 产品和能源, fuel will drive fundamental change in the future integration of refining and chemical processes.
这反过来, 会改变质量的平衡吗, heat, fuel, carbon, 蒸汽和电气产业集群, affecting the integration of existing fired heater assets.
Our specialists can review and reconfigure these heaters with the best solution to meet new demands.